
Million Health Pharmaceuticals deals With Anti Cancer Drugs,Hepatitis Medicine,HIV Drugs Online, Price, Cost @ +91-9940472902

Купить Velasof - MHP


Velasof is a combination of velpatasvir 100mg  & sophosbuvir 400mg. Velasof is a combination of two drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C. This is administered as a single daily tablet containing the viral velpatasvir inhibitor NS5A and sophosbuvir, a nucleotide inhibitor of the viral RNA polymerase. This is the first treatment that works for all genotypes, and is taken entirely in the mouth. A single pill regimen is used for adults with genotype 1-6 chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with pangenotypic activity.

Hepbest 25 mg Tablets - MHP


Тенофовир также используется для лечения хронического (долгосрочного) ВГВ у взрослых и детей в возрасте 12 лет и старше. Тенофовир относится к классу лекарств, называемых ингибиторами обратной транскриптазы нуклеозидов (НИОТ). Он работает, уменьшая количество ВИЧ и HBV в крови.



Купить HepBest (Vemlidy) | Цена препарата.

Buy Tafnat 25 mg Tablets



Tafnat (Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate 25 mg ) Tablet is New HIV AIDS Drug. Tafnat (TAF) is a nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) and a novel ester prodrug of the antiretroviral Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate ,It is used in the treatment of HIV infection and chronic hepatitis B.

